Sunday, August 24, 2008

6 Months Old!

We can hardly believe that Bryce and Laney are 6 months old! Time has just flown by. We're thankful that they're both very healthy after a bit of a rough start. There will still be some developmental delays over this next year or so as they catch up but they're doing great! We're really enjoying being parents and can't wait to see what's in store for the next 6 months!

This also seems like a perfect time to say thank you to all of our family and friends for doing so much for us over the past months. You've loved and taken care of Bryce & Laney, brought food, cleaned, washed bottles (boy our sweet Moms did a million!), sent cards, given gifts, shared your experiences & been encouraging, taken over things for us at work, called, emailed, thought about and prayed for us, kept up with our blog, listened to us...and the list could go on. We love and appreciate you all so much and honestly couldn't have made it without you!!!! THANK YOU!

Here's Laney with Mr. Bear (this is the bear that Kevin gave me when we were in High School)! We're going to try to take pictures with him on the month birthdays to show how they've grown.

Like my new bow (Anne and Jodie)!
At 6 months Laney is such a happy, smiley girl! She thinks her daddy is especially funny! She loves when people talk and sing to her.
She loves to be held and would spend all her time sitting on someone's lap if she could!
Bryce and Mr. Bear
At 6 months Bryce is very active and strong! He can sit up like this for at least 10 minutes. He's getting better at turning over every day. His favorite things are the music & lights on his bouncy seat...he thinks they're hilarious! He's obsessed with ceiling fans too. :)
He's also started sucking his thumb this week while he sleeps. I tried replacing it with his pacifier but no luck. :) He does look cute though!
I thought it would be fun to see how the size of the diapers and onsies have changed! Those tiny diapers were huge on them when they were first born! Laney's onsie is newborn size and Bryce's is 0-3 months.

A few funny faces from Bryce that I couldn't help but share!

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