Monday, February 2, 2009

Round 3...

Laney's well on her way with Round 3 of her treatments! She had a bit of a rough start with her first sickness last week. On Tuesday night we saw the first signs that she wasn't feeling well and by Wednesday morning she had a fever, congestion and a severe cough. Typically with a fever we would be heading straight to the hospital. But, that was the morning of the ice storm and there was no way we were getting out of the driveway or the alley. So, they told us to wait a few hours. Kevin took her in and they gave her some antibiotics through her port. They also did a blood test and decided that even though she was sick she would start Round 3 on Thursday.

Thankfully she seemed to be feeling better on Thursday. By that night she was getting her treatment. It was about the same as last time...she was sick but ok and still smiling a bunch! The problem this time was that she was refusing to eat. They said we couldn't go home until she ate. After trips to the hospital by both of our parents with different supplies we finally figured it out. They must have mixed the formula differently than we do. Once we mixed it she ate just fine! Now we know...bring our own formula! This had never been a problem with previous hospital stays! She came home on Saturday and has done great since then. The next two weeks will be outpatient chemo and then she's done with Round 3!!!! Here's a picture of her playing just a few minutes after she got home...she didn't waste any time!

Here's a picture of Bryce in his cute PJ's from Amanda and Travis! Thanks guys!!

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