Sunday, March 8, 2009

Around our house...

Playing in Laney's crib! Good idea Grandma!
New weights this week: Laney weighed13.8 pounds, Bryce weighed 18 pounds Bryce working on crawling!Laney has started sitting up recently! She got it down quickly and doesn't need much support at all! She's also just crazy about playing with her feet. It's so cute! I guess you could say that she's said her first word too...'Da Da' of course! She says it over and over again (as loud as she can) just like Bryce did. :)Bryce will take steps if you hold his hands. He can walk around the couch! His favorite thing is to follow Maddie. She's in so much trouble!We had to take the bumpers out of Bryce's crib. They were giving him a little too much leverage!
This is one of the umbrella strollers that we use inside the house! It's especially handy when you're by yourself and need to get them both somewhere at the same time! You can just carry one and push the other!Bryce's big news this week is that he got his first tooth!!!! He was very unhappy for parts of this week while it was coming in but seems to feel better now! We're pretty sure that Laney is close too.

Laney update: She had chemo on Friday and did just PERFECT! Not even one cry and no sickness!! Next Friday should be her last one and then we'll do scans. We all can't wait!!! They'll keep her port in for the next 6 months and we'll continue to go for appointments often but no chemo!!!

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