Sunday, March 22, 2009

One Year Pictures!

We really wanted some one year pictures but of course we couldn't go to a studio or take any outdoor pictures since Laney needed to stay home. So, we talked to Clare (she did our Christmas pictures) about doing them at our house. She really did an amazing job and they didn't give her much to work with! It was a crazy day and they weren't wanting to cooperate (especially in the ones together) . But, I think she still got some cute ones! Thanks, Clare!
At one year:
*She loves kisses and will smile almost every time...even if it's from a toy!
*She's very interested in faces and likes to touch them.
*Puts absolutely everything in her mouth immediately!
*Favorite food- applesauce
*She's eating all Level 1 foods...peas are her least favorite.
*Wears mostly 3-6 months but still has some 0-3.
*Diaper size 2 and weighed 14.3 pounds
*Sits up on his own for quite a while.
*Is getting more verbal- talking louder and saying da-da.
*He's getting more interested in books.
*Favorite food- squash
*He's eating all Level 2 far he likes all of them that he's tried!
*Wears mostly 9-12 month clothes.
*Diaper size 3...and night diaper size 4. Weighed 18 pounds.

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