Friday, January 23, 2009

Hearing Test Results!

Laney had her sedated hearing test this week and had great results!!! They said that her hearing has not been impacted at all so far. All of the brain waves looked normal!!! They will repeat the test after each round of chemo and 6 months after she completes treatment to determine any long term issues. We are so thankful for the good news...I felt more nervous about it than I had expected to! Thanks for praying for her. I will say that she had a very rough day with not getting to eat for almost 12 hours (which is not ideal when she's very nauseous), missing her naps, getting stuck about 10 times trying to start her IV and having people poke and prod her continuously for several hours. She was certainly glad to be home and so was I!

On Wednesday she went for blood work and her white blood counts were too low to start the next round of chemo. We were actually relieved that she will get a week break with no treatments, tests, blood work, etc. In fact she won't even have one doctor appointment!!! Amazingly neither will Bryce...what will we do with all of our spare time! They'll check her counts again next Wednesday to see if she's ready to be admitted on Thursday to start Round 3.

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