Thursday, January 1, 2009

Round 2

Yesterday we brought Laney back to Children's to see if her white blood counts were high enough to be admitted this time. The counts looked much better and they checked her in!!! We were excited to get going on Round 2. She started with lots of fluids and then they gave her the chemo from 8:30pm to 12:30am. Laney and I brought in the new year with her getting a blood draw right at midnight! She did pretty well with the chemo overall. It was a little harder on her than the first round. They said that was typical though as she gets a little more worn out. Mostly she's been fussier, spitting up more and overall just seeming like she doesn't feel as well. She does have plenty of happy times too, though. If all goes well Kevin should be bringing her home tomorrow! Then she'll have 2 more weeks of outpatient chemo before she's half way done!! She's been such a sweet girl though all of this. She amazes us! Happy New Year!!

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